Sometimes in the midst of giving a Star on the Walk of Fame to a Tom Cruise or another worthy (?!) recipient, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce get it right!
Who better to get their Star then members of a cast that were in one of the most ageless films of all time. Who within eyeshot of this Blog have not seen at least a small part of THE WIZARD OF OZ? Congrats Munchkins and especially Jerry Maren who was one of the Molemen in one of my Fav Films, SUPERMAN AND THE MOLEMEN.
Munchkins from 'The Wizard of Oz' celebrate receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at Grauman's Chinese Theatre, site of the film's 1939 premiere, in Los Angeles Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2007. The Munchkins from left: Mickey Carroll, the Town Crier; Jerry Maren, part of the Lollipop Guild; stepping on the star, Ruth Duccini, a Munchkin villager; Margaret Pelligrini, the 'sleepyhead' Munchkin and Meinhardt Raabe, the coroner.