One of the most memorable creations in movie sci fi history, has to be the one featured on this 1960 poster. A really fun little film. Think how cool it would be, if these types of creatures really were wandering around the Angry Red Planet, MARS.
Hi Kids! It's time to play N.T.M. Here is a really cool poster from the foriegn version of what popular Bela Lugosi Movie? To make it a little easier, I will accept either of the two titles it goes by! The first one who answers correctly, gets a really cool dvd!
GIANT CREATURE TERROIZES NEW YORK! This could be the catchpharse for the new movie, Cloverfield. However, over 50 years ago, Ray Harryhausen brought us his own original creation the Rhedosaurus. Who could forget the monster lifting a Police Officer into the air by his head and gulping him down like an M&M! Here is the terrific half sheet. Enjoy!
It is amazing how many bugs became a GIANT menace! Here is a one sheet that in no way resmbles the specially photographed Grasshoppers in the movie. If the creepy crawlies actually had eyes and sharp teeth, imagine the nighmares we all would have had as kids. Enjoy.