Could any still better capture the infectious optimism seen here in this behind the scenes shot of Sir Charles Chaplin between takes on location filming Modern Times?
Another impressive example of the kind of art found in a unique European artist. Un-like anything seen here, in the U.S., where the film was produced. Joan Crawford indeed had a very art worthy face. Paid was released in 1930.
Yes Folks, another poster to a long LOST film. In this missing gem, Lon plays a Mad Surgeon and his Apeish assistant! Ad this to LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT, as a film all fans would love to see.
What a great poster! And what better hype in 1955 then to print on a poster ...2 1/2 YEARS IN THE MAKING! A vastly under-rated Film. I'm always pleasantly surprised to see Russell Johnson (The professor on Gilligan's Island) playing a, ummmm, Professor in this film! Pick up that DVD.