Name this lovely actress, and WIN a dvd of my choice! It will be a good dvd. First one to guess correctly WINS!...... WE HAVE A WINNER ALREADY! PATRICK GUESSED A VERY YOUNG (AND Ha cha cha) BETTY GRABLE. I thought it would be tougher. John
I have always had a warm place in my horror heart for Lon Chaney Jr. His creation (With of course the make up wizardry of Jack Pierce) is one of the Cinema's best monsters. Lon played the Werewolf for the last time in this mish mosh of a movie, stitched together by Jerry Warren. Explorers discover a Mummy that happens to be a that of a Werewolf! 1964 was the last time that Lon viewed a full moon and needed a shave..bad!Here is the neat poster to that film.