In this little film, Women of a village, fight over the only available Men. If the men reject them, it is considered a disgrace. Here in the good ol USA, Men here call it last call. The film's original title is LAGONG: DANCE OF THE VIRGINS.
I really like the Ritz Brothers. But, THE GORILLA (1939) is just plain awful. Bela is not on screen long enough to rescue this mess of a movie. It moves soooooooo slowly, it is guaranteed to help you sleep. Sure makes a nicely restored lobby thou.
Here is a terrific lobby card from the 1944 Lon Chaney bandage opus. This was the last time that Lon donned the bandages. In his arms, the lovely Virginia Christine. Virginia later was known as the Folger's Coffee lady in numerous commercials! This lobby was in poor shape until the restoration process made it quite presentable for you!
Great behind the scenes shot. Notice that section of the bridge that ends, or drops off, where you would not see it in the filmed episode. Also, Uhura (Forever lovely Nichelle Nichols) is wearing the Gold uniform instead of red. She only did that in two episodes. At least that is what a Trekkie told me.
This 1929 Drama, features an image of a Giant Flapper being adored by tiny guys in tuxedos. I have found in my research, it is not uncommon to see the giant (Usually scantily clad) women being looked upon lustfully by tiny guys.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Jack Nicholson plays a Mad Killer (Or is he?) in his screen debut from 1958. This restored poster, features Jack with his arms full of Carolyn Mitchell.
A very under-rated sequel. Starts with the burning of a Dracula (Lugosi) figure on a funeral pire. Then Dracs Daughter (I never knew he was Married!) goes on a quest for blood. In this lobby card, she hypnotizes and feeds off the lovely Nan Grey. Obvious Lesbian overtones are a surprise in this post-code era film. Here fully restored.