I had purchased this little low budget film on DVD a few years+ back. What a delight! Good pacing, brisk direction and best of all terrific acting.John Carradine has just the right touch as the very sympathetic artist who hides a dark secret. His secret is an uncontrollable lust for strangulation. One of his almost victims is Jean Parker. The cutie that stole Oliver Hardy's heart as the innkeepers daughter in the comedy delight Flying Deuces (1939). Ollie was so won over by her whim some wiles, he tried to commit suicide and take Stanley with him! Miss Parker (who passed away in 2005 at the ripe old age of 90) is the unfortunate victim you see on this poster. Miss Parker had a varied and exciting career in films and on the stage. She was once quoted as saying: "Acting is truly a glorious and noble profession. When anyone can give other people a few hours of escape or enchantment away from the ills of the world and their own personal lives, that's a very worthwhile occupation." Bluebeard (1944) which was directed by Edger G. Ulmer offers at least 72 min. of escape and is recommended.
Wild Oats (1940) Exploitation film about the trials of a meek, henpecked middle-aged man who wants to look at undressed women.I'm neither meek, or henpecked. However, I fit the bill on the rest.
WOW! It sure would be great to en-Joi this great looking little B-movie. Look at this plot: Nick Dunn (John Bromfield) doesn't want to be mixed up in a stolen car ring operating out of a chain of car dealerships in Culver City, CA, but Nick Dunn's son needs an operation, and an operation costs money. When detective Davenport comes snooping around about some hot cars, and later turns up dead, Nick's fortunes take a turn for the worse. Release this 1956 Film Noir on dvd!!!!! .....especially for Joi (Eye Candy extraordinaire) Lansing.
All that I could find on this film was it was made in 1946, ran 24 min. and was supposed to feature some great music. It seems to have dropped off the earth after that. Neat poster thou.
Meant to be a series, this Chandu the Magician film boasts amazing visuals. Bela played the villian in this feature film, and later played Chandu in a 12 part serial! This was just one of the films that inspired Raiders of the Lost Ark.Beware that Stare!
The coming of sound was the death knell for slapstick master Mack Sennet. You may not know the name, but you sure know who started their film careers at the Sennet Studios. Charlie Chaplin, Gloria Swanson, Fatty Arbuckle, Bing Crosby and W.C. Fields to name but a few. His frantic style of fast paced gags did not make the transition when his comedians had to talk! With the exception of a very few delights, the sound sennet output was a disappointment. Here is an un-usual stock poster for the Harry Langdon silent short ALL NIGHT LONG (1924). It seems that in order to draw the audience in to the theatre, the poster company went with the Art Deco Babe look. No sign of Harry, just high stepping Flappers.